The Cathedral Church of St. Joseph’s Swansea

You are very welcome to the webpage of the Cathedral Church of St. Joseph’s Swansea, built on Greenhill, a place of faith, comfort, solace, and peace not just for the early Irish immigrants in the 19th Century but also the locals for more than 120 years. This beautiful and imposing structure dominates the landscape and its construction has rightly been described as an act of faith in itself, considering the harsh economic climate of the time in which it was conceived and built.
The Cathedral is under the patronage of St. Joseph, husband of Mary, and was consecrated in 1888. The community of faith which its serves has long been the focal point of Catholicism in Swansea and remains a vibrant and lively community in its unique ways. Nevertheless, it is still evolving as a centre of primary evangelisation and the witnessing of the living Gospel. The Cathedral offers a place for silent prayer, sanctuary and is, to many people, a place of spiritual refreshment and comfort.
This website will hopefully provide all the information that you may need about our beautiful and unique Cathedral. All visitors are welcome and are invited to join us in our daily Eucharistic celebrations, and for other liturgical celebrations.
Rev. Canon Benedict Koledoye
Cathedral Administrator